Different from the previous types of ads that appeared on FYP, hashtag challenge ads will appear on the Discovery page and are at the top, or at least almost at the top of the page. There are several hashtag challenges that are quite popular in Indonesia, starting from informative and useful hashtags such as #LearnBusiness and so on. There are also hashtags that contain entertaining content such as #GlowUpChallenge.
With this type of ad, Ninja Friends can challenge creators to make videos with Iran WhatsApp Number Data a certain theme, then the video must use a predetermined hashtag. Hashtag Challenges ads are challenges with special hashtags to encourage TikTok users to participate in these challenges. This is an effective way to trigger user engagement and participation. Also read: Ainun: Want to advertise on TikTok, what is the right budget? Branded Effects Advertising Ninja Xpress Blog Tiktok Ads 5 Brands will have a signature if people recognize the stickers or filters they make | Source: Unsplash What are Branded Effects TikTok Ads? The Branded Effects ad type allows sellers to create special effects, such as face filters or visual effects, that users can use in their videos.

This is a creative way to connect products with user-generated content. These two things are a powerful recipe for attracting the attention of TikTok users. Luckily, Ninja Friends can also use it in Branded Effects ads . Why is it called branded ? Because Ninja Friends can offer filters and stickers made by their own brand . If lots of content creators use filters or stickers made by the Teman Ninja brand , that means it's free promotion! Therefore, when creating Branded Effects ads , make sure the filters and stickers are unique and entertaining.